Advanced Gum Care

Become a Healthier You With Advanced Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is one of the more common diseases on the planet. Not only is it the leading cause of bad breath and tooth loss, it is now strongly linked with life-threatening health problems like heart attacks and stroke, Alzheimer’s and dementia, diabetes, cancer, pregnancy complications, and lung and kidney disease, to name a few.

Did you know?


of the adult population has some form of gum disease, according to the Surgeon General's Oral Health report.
salivary diagnostics

Salivary Diagnostics

Modern diagnostic and treatment techniques include bacterial DNA testing to determine the type of bacteria present in your mouth. From there, we can determine the best way to eliminate them. It's as simple as swish and spit!

dental hygienists looking at an X-ray

Periodontal Therapy

We use a combination of traditional scaling and root planing plus specially designed gum disease treatment protocols that deliver the one-two punch needed to eradicate the bad bacteria and give you a healthier mouth. 

doctor counseling patient

Support & Counseling

To us, it's not enough that we get your mouth healthier. We want to help you add more healthy years to your life, and we do that by providing nutritional counseling, smoking cessation, stress management, and sleep assessments. 

What Happens in the Mouth Doesn't Stay There

Gum disease treatment is about much more than scrubbing your teeth and remembering to floss. We're not here to just take care of your mouth—we want your whole body to enjoy great health. Decades of research and clinical experience have shown us that oral health is vitally important to overall health, and the impact of poor oral health can reach virtually all parts of the body. You might want to re-think putting off that next dental visit. 

  • Heart Disease

    The bacteria that cause gum disease travel through the bloodstream, causing damage and inflammation everywhere they go. Oral bacteria have even been found in the heart plaque of heart attack patients!

  • Diabetes

    If you have diabetes, or have metabolic syndrome and are insulin resistant (pre-diabetes), gum disease can make diabetes worse. Interestingly, diabetes makes gum disease worse as well.

  • Alzheimer's Disease

    Gum disease and tooth loss have been significantly linked to cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease through infectious and inflammatory pathways.

  • Pregnancy Complications

    Women with gum disease are more likely to give birth to premature and low birth-weight babies. Sadly, there is even documented evidence that bacteria from a mother's mouth caused a stillbirth.

  • Cancer

    Head, neck, oral, stomach, and pancreatic cancer all have direct links to bad bacteria found in the mouth. We can test for one of the most common causes of oral cancer, HPV, right in our office.

  • Respiratory Disease

    Oral bacteria can influence the severity of pneumonia, COPD, and asthma. Research indicates oral care may improve outcomes for people with these conditions.

dentist and dental assistant helping a patient

Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease Treatment

Whether you see a little pink in the sink or you've been diagnosed with gum disease before, getting the facts about gum disease is crucial to stopping its progression.

Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue surrounding your teeth. When bacteria grows around your teeth (plaque) it provokes an immune reaction that causes inflammation in the gums and bone, and pours bacteria and their toxins into your blood stream. These in turn stimulate the production of proteins within the body, which can cause damage to your blood vessels, resulting in heart attacks and strokes.


The early stage of gum disease—commonly called gingivitis—can often be cured because no significant damage has been done to the underlying bone structure. However, once the gums begin to recede and bone loss occurs, the condition is not reversible. That's why it's so important to stay on top of your oral health, get regular dental cleanings and exams, and follow through with the gum disease treatment your dentist recommends. 

Maintaining good oral health is one of the best ways to lower your overall healthcare costs. Insurance companies have studied this subject for years and have found time and time again that gum disease treatment and good oral health lead to lower medical costs for people with heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications.

And, since oral health is a contributing factor to all of these conditions, it makes sense for people who aren't already afflicted with chronic health problems to keep their mouths as healthy as possible to help avoid these costs and complications in the future. 

  • Your staff are amazing. They made sure I had a way to get to the endodontist (they drove me). Thank you for the rapid diagnosis and quick turnaround."

    Steve  |  Read More Reviews

No Insurance? Our Patients Don't Need It!

With our new Preventative Care Wellness Program, you get all this for a low monthly fee:

  • Regular Professional Dental Cleanings
  • X-Rays
  • One Emergency Exam Per Year
  • Steep Discounts on Dental Treatment